Conoscere Per Decidere

Conoscere per decidere
30 years of CPT
The book summarizes the 30 years of activity of the Public Administration body CPT — Conti Pubblici Territoriali. A corpus of interviews prepared and written by journalist Massimo Fellini tells the story of the group, while an historical excursus by dates accompanies it: two parallel stories to analyze and contextualize the activity of the CPTs over time.
History is precisely the underlying theme of the project: it unfolds in the leporello cover trough a timeline, and it freezes in the chapter openings — scans of a generic PA office desk changing over the years, following the technological advancement.
Typeface: GT Alpina
Photography: Giulia Volino

Pages are horizontally split in two, and the layout highlights it: the page number closes the upper section, leaving the foot to the flow of the second story, as if there were two books in one.

The interviews stream is interspersed with graphic pages simulating the scanning of desk items. Alternating a positive — negative view of the desk helped to convey even more the medium of the scan. These pages mark the passage of time by showing the evolution of some objects — the telephone for example, and the introduction of new technologies, up to the digital desk — the computer desktop.

They help understand the role and the structure of CPT. Infographics are fundamental in this story given the importance of data analysis in this PA body context. They were also animated as short videos for a digital communication of the project.